[omniORB-dev] RE: eg2_impl.exe is crash in Cygwin (omniORB410, omniORB407)

Che, Joe jche at metasolv.com
Mon Aug 14 17:19:23 BST 2006

Hi omniORG Team,


I am doing a port of omniORG 410 to Cygwin (WindowsXP). I am using the
gcc 3.4.4 from Cygwin and I am able to compile every things using
x86_nt_4.0_migw.mk and migw.mk with some modification. When I try to
execute the eg2_impl.exe and eg2_clt.exe. The eg2_impl.exe is core dump
when eg2_clt.exe is calling orb->destroy(). So I try to set break point
using eclipse CDT with the Cygwin gdb and now the eg2_impl.exe is never
crashed. But when I execute eg2_impl.exe under Cygwin shell, it is
always crashed. Did any one can help me to find out what is the problem?
Thanks in advance.  (Note: I also go back to port omniORB 407 and also
having the same crash :-(.



Joe Che

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