[omniORB-dev] push() exception omniORBpy

DIEZ Ignacio I.DIEZ at csee-transport.com
Wed Jun 15 14:14:14 BST 2005

I'm running a C++ client application which connects with a C++ server (OmniORB 4_0_5 / OmniEvents 2_6_1), and all is OK. The problem is that when I want to use OmniORBpy 2_5 to send data to the event channel in other to perform test, the push() function raise an exception:
Traceback (most recent call last): 
File "c:\Users\diez\Socle\test\espagne\Utility\Network.py", line 124, in setObjectStates 
File "c:\software\omniORB\lib\python\omniORB\COS\CosEventComm_idl.py", line 59, in push 
return _omnipy.invoke(self, "push", _0_CosEventComm.PushConsumer._d_push, args) 

Before this, I had the same applications running with OmniORB 303, OmniORBpy 2_8 perfoming the same test and I hadn't get any problems....The problems appeared after I updated this versions.
Anybody can help me? 
Thank you 

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