[omniORB-dev] New RPM spec files

Thomas Lockhart lockhart at fourpalms.org
Fri Dec 16 12:39:02 GMT 2005

I've made slight adjustments to RPM spec files and attach the latest 
versions here. afaict some changes by Sander have not yet been folded in 
to CVS so these spec files reflect Sander's changes also, bumping the 
package version numbers from 1 to 3 in the process (Sander posted spec 
files using "2").

Changes from Sander were to get things building and installing on 64-bit 
machines. Changes from me are to build under FC4 and Mandrake and to fix 
an uninstall error in omniORBpy.

These files are based on those in the latest 4.0.6 and 2.6, and do not 
seem to be different than current CVS contents.

Duncan, can you please commit these or follow up with 
questions/comments/changes? Thanks!

                         - Tom
-------------- next part --------------
# defined empty to enable automatic uid/gid selection.
# set values to select specific user/group ids.
%define omniuid -1
%define omnigid -1

Summary: Object Request Broker (ORB)
Name:    omniORB
Version: 4.0.6
Release: 3
License: GPL / LGPL
Group:   System/Libraries
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Prefix:  /usr
Prereq:  /sbin/ldconfig
URL:     http://omniorb.sourceforge.net/
#Provides:       corba
BuildRequires:  python glibc-devel
%if "%{_vendor}" == "MandrakeSoft"
BuildRequires:  openssl-devel
%if "%{_vendor}" == "redhat"
BuildRequires:  python-devel openssl-devel
%if "%{_vendor}" == "suse"
BuildRequires:	openssl-devel
Buildroot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
#BuildArch:      i586

%{name} is an Object Request Broker (ORB) which implements
specification 2.6 of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA). Contains the libraries needed to run programs dynamically
linked with %{name}.

# servers

%package servers
Summary: Utility programs
Group:          Development/C++
%if "%{_vendor}" == "suse"
Prereq:         /sbin/insserv
Prereq:         /sbin/service /sbin/chkconfig
Prereq:         /usr/sbin/groupadd /usr/sbin/groupdel
Prereq:         /usr/sbin/useradd /usr/sbin/userdel
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Provides:       libomniorb-servers = %{version}-%{release} %{name}-servers = %{version}-%{release}

%description servers
%{name} CORBA services including a Naming Service.

%package bootscripts
Summary: Utility programs
Group: Development/C++
Requires: %{name}-servers = %{version}-%{release} %{name}-utils = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: %{name}-bootscripts = %{version}-%{release}

%description bootscripts
Automatic starting of the %{name} CORBA Naming Service.

# utilities

%package utils
Summary: Utility programs
Group:          Development/C++
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Provides:       libomniorb-utils = %{version}-%{release} %{name}-utils = %{version}-%{release}

%description utils
%{name} utility programs which may be useful at runtime.

# devel part of the bundle

%package devel
Summary: Header files and libraries needed for %{name} development
Group:          Development/C++
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Provides:       libomniorb-devel = %{version}-%{release} %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}

%description devel
The header files and libraries needed for developing programs using

# docs and examples are in a separate package

%package doc
Summary: Documentation and examples for %{name}
Group:          Development/C++
#Requires:       %{name} = %{version}

%description doc
Developer documentation and examples.

%define py_ver    %(python -c 'import sys;print(sys.version[0:3])')

%setup -n %{name}-%{version}

%if "%{_vendor}" == "suse"
# Replace the init script with something appropriate for SUSE.
# Note that we hardcode a relative path here, since we are replacing
# a file in the source distribution tree.
cp -f etc/init.d/omniNames.SuSE.in etc/init.d/omniNames.in

%configure --with-openssl=%{prefix}

# We abuse the CPPFLAGS to pass optimisation options through.

make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install

mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}
cp sample.cfg %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/omniORB.cfg
cp etc/init.d/omniNames %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}

mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man{1,5}
cp -r man/* %{buildroot}%{_mandir}

mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_var}/omniNames
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/omniMapper

# Rename catior to avoid naming conflict with TAO
mv %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/catior %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/catior.omni
mv %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/catior.1 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/catior.omni.1

%if "%{_vendor}" == "suse"
  # Most SUSE service scripts have a corresponding link into /usr/sbin
  mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}
  ln -sf %{_initrddir}/omniNames %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rcomniNames

[ -z %{buildroot} ] || rm -rf %{buildroot}



%pre servers
%if "%{omnigid}" == "-1"
OMNIGIDOPT="-g %{omnigid}"
%if "%{omniuid}" == "-1"
OMNIUIDOPT="-u %{omniuid}"
/usr/sbin/groupadd ${OMNIGIDOPT} omni >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
/usr/sbin/useradd ${OMNIUIDOPT} -M -g omni -d /var/omniNames \
  -s /bin/bash -c "omniORB servers" omni >/dev/null 2>&1 || :

%pre bootscripts
# A previous version is already installed?
if [ $1 -ge 2 ]; then
%if "%{_vendor}" == "suse"
  %{_sbindir}/rcomniNames stop >/dev/null 2>&1
  /sbin/service omniNames stop >/dev/null 2>&1

%post bootscripts
%if "%{_vendor}" == "suse"
/sbin/insserv omniNames
#%{_sbindir}/rcomniNames restart >/dev/null 2>&1
/sbin/chkconfig --add omniNames
#/sbin/service omniNames restart >/dev/null 2>&1

%preun bootscripts
# Are we removing the package completely?
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
%if "%{_vendor}" == "suse"
  %{_sbindir}/rcomniNames stop >/dev/null 2>&1
  /sbin/insserv -r omniNames
  /sbin/service omniNames stop >/dev/null 2>&1
  /sbin/chkconfig --del omniNames
  rm -rf /var/omniNames/*
  rm -rf /var/lib/omniMapper/*


%postun servers
# uninstalling all versions?
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
  /usr/sbin/userdel omni >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
  /usr/sbin/groupdel omni >/dev/null 2>&1 || : 

# main package includes libraries and copyright info
%defattr (-,root,root)
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/*.cfg

%files servers
%defattr (-,root,root)
%dir %attr(700,omni,omni) %{_var}/omniNames
%dir %attr(700,omni,omni) %{_localstatedir}/omniMapper
%attr(644,root,man) %{_mandir}/man1/omniNames*
#%attr(644,root,man) %{_mandir}/man1/omniMapper*
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/omniMapper
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/omniNames
# Thin substitute for standard Linux init script

%files bootscripts
%defattr (-,root,root)
%config(noreplace) %attr(775,root,root) %{_initrddir}/*
%if "%{_vendor}" == "suse"

%files utils
%defattr (-,root,root)
%attr(644,root,man) %{_mandir}/man1/catior*
%attr(644,root,man) %{_mandir}/man1/genior*
%attr(644,root,man) %{_mandir}/man1/nameclt*

%files devel
%doc ReleaseNotes* readmes/*
%attr(644,root,man) %{_mandir}/man1/omniidl*

%files doc
%doc doc/* 

* Thu Apr 21 2005 Sander Steffann <steffann at nederland.net> 4.0.6-2
- Fixed packaging issues for RHEL and x86_64

* Wed Apr 20 2005 Sander Steffann <steffann at nederland.net> 4.0.6-1
- Upgrade to version 4.0.6

* Mon Jul 26 2004 Duncan Grisby <duncan at grisby.org> 4.0.4-1
- Bump version number; integrate SUSE changes. Don't automatically
  start omniNames upon RPM install.

* Thu Jul 22 2004 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.3-7
- Incorporate additional SUSE features per Dirk O. Siebnich <dok at dok-net.net>
- Use additional standard RPM substitution parameters rather than
  hardcoded paths

* Wed Dec 24 2003 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.3
- Fix ownership of boot scripts per Bastiann Bakker
- Clean up pre- and post-install actions to support servers

* Tue Dec 08 2003 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.3
- Include additional build dependencies for redhat per Bastiann Bakker
- Put man pages for all distros into %{prefix}/share/man per FHS conventions
- Run omniNames under user "omni" per Jan Holst Jensen

* Mon Dec 01 2003 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.3
- Merge SuSE spec contributions from Johan Cronje

* Wed Nov 19 2003 Duncan Grisby <duncan at grisby.org> 4.0.3
- Merge contributed updates, bump version number.

* Fri Aug 08 2003 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.2
- Rename catior man page to match catior.omni binary name

* Wed Aug  6 2003 Duncan Grisby <dgrisby at apasphere.com> 4.0.2
- Bump version number.

* Tue Jun 10 2003 Duncan Grisby <dgrisby at apasphere.com> 4.0.2pre1
- Fix some text, bump version number, add init script, minor tweaks.

* Wed Feb 12 2003 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.0
- Rename catior to catior.omni to avoid name conflict with TAO

* Tue Oct 01 2002 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.0
- Track down changes in documentation for 4.0.0
- Omit patches required to build the previous beta

* Mon Jul 29 2002 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.0beta
- Separate out utility programs to manage name conflict for catior with TAO

* Wed Jul 03 2002 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.0beta
- Start from 3.04 spec files
- Strip workarounds from the spec file since 4.0 builds more cleanly

-------------- next part --------------
Summary:  Python Language Mapping for omniORB
Name:     omniORBpy
Version:  2.6
Release:  3
License:  GPL / LGPL
Group:    System/Libraries
Source0:  %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
URL:      http://omniorb.sourceforge.net/
Prefix:   /usr
Prereq:   /sbin/ldconfig
Requires: omniORB = 4.0.6
BuildRequires: omniORB-devel python
Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root

omniORBpy is a Python language mapping for the omniORB CORBA
Object Request Broker (ORB).

# "standard" part of the bundle

%package -n %{name}-standard
Summary:  Files to provide standard top-level CORBA module for %{name}
Group:    Development/Python
Provides: libomniorbpy-standard = %{version}-%{release} %{name}-standard = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n %{name}-standard
The CORBA to Python mapping standard requires top-level CORBA and
PortableServer modules. This provides those standard modules for
%{name}. It will clash with similar packages for other Python ORBs.

# devel part of the bundle

%package -n %{name}-devel
Summary:  Header files and libraries needed for %{name} development
Group:    Development/Python
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} omniORB-devel
Provides: libomniorbpy-devel = %{version}-%{release} %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n %{name}-devel
The header files and libraries needed for developing programs using %{name}.

# docs and examples are in a separate package

%package -n %{name}-doc
Summary:  Documentation needed for %{name} development
Group:    Development/Python

%description -n %{name}-doc
Developer documentation and examples.

%define py_ver %(python -c 'import sys;print(sys.version[0:3])')


%setup -n %{name}-%{version}
#%patch0 -p1

# Needs to know where omniORB was installed if it is not in /usr.
# If necessary, use the configure option --with-omniorb=%{prefix}
./configure --prefix=%{prefix} --with-openssl=/usr

# We abuse the CPPFLAGS to pass optimisation options through.


# omit omniidl_be/__init__.py because it is a duplicate of the file
# already provided by omniORB.
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/lib*/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/omniidl_be/__init__.py*




# main package includes libraries and servers
%defattr (-,root,root)
%doc bugfixes*

%files -n %{name}-standard

%files -n %{name}-devel
%doc README* ReleaseNotes* update.log

%files -n %{name}-doc
%doc doc/* 

* Fri Dec 16 2005 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 2.6-3
- Modified postun syntax to eliminate an error from ldconfig

* Thu Apr 21 2005 Sander Steffann <steffann at nederland.net> 2.6-2
- Fixed packaging on RHEL and x86_64

* Wed Apr 20 2005 Sander Steffann <steffann at nederland.net> 2.6-1
- Upgrade to version 2.6

* Mon Jul 26 2004 Duncan Grisby <duncan at grisby.org> 2.4
- Bump version number to 2.4.

* Wed Nov 19 2003 Duncan Grisby <duncan at grisby.org> 2.3
- Merge contributed updates, bump version number.

* Fri Aug 08 2003 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org>
- Drop circular definition of RPM macros

* Wed Aug  6 2003 Duncan Grisby <dgrisby at apasphere.com> 2.2
- Remove clashing omniidl __init__.py. Bump version number.

* Tue Jun 10 2003 Duncan Grisby <dgrisby at apasphere.com> 2.2pre1
- Fix some text, bump version number, minor tweaks.

* Wed Apr 23 2003 Sander Steffann <sander at steffann.nl>
- Included SSL support
- Included pydistdate.hh to stop RPM from complaining

* Mon Mar 17 2003 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.1
- Update for current release
- Include new omniORB.pth

* Mon Jul 29 2002 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.0beta
- Include backend to omniidl to allow generation of Python stubs

* Fri May 24 2002 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.0beta
- Use autoconf as available in this new version of omniORBpy
- Assume a separate omniORB RPM has been built and installed
- Based on the single RPM for omniORB and omniORBpy from the 3.x series

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