[omniORB-dev] Re: [omniORB] Implementation Repository

Thomas Lockhart lockhart@fourpalms.org
Wed, 22 Jan 2003 11:30:16 -0800

(redirected to the omniorb-dev mailing list)

> I think the ImR should work with flat files, to avoid dependencies on
> external applications, and to make it easy to install. It could have
> an option to use a database, but I think it should work without one.

If it is implemented in python (which sounds good to me; note that 
omniIDL requires it anyway and we haven't yet demonstrated how to use 
this with another orb) then we should probably use an XML representation 
for the flat file since the interfaces ship with python.

>>Anyone else interested in this, how should we start to hammer out the IDL
>>for the ImR and management interfaces?

Will be posting comments. The IDL posted by Kendall has a lot of content 
not directly related to fundamental ImR interactions (e.g. load 
information etc) and I'd like to split the discussion to focus on the 
fundamental features first...

                   - Tom