[omniNotify] Multiple events received from one single post

Janet Tvedt tvedt at noao.edu
Thu Mar 2 10:03:30 GMT 2006


I had this same problem with applications that use Visibroker for
Tornado.  I always thought it was a bug in Visibroker but couldn't get
them to fix it.  The Visibroker ORB would accept notifications for an
old instance of a servant.

To fix this, I did just what you suggested.  However, I had to change
omniNotify to get it to work.  The added functionality was suggested by
Bob Gruber but I implemented it in my own copy of omniNotify.  I've
attached the affected omniNotify files and the cleanup code.  I think
the function "destroyConsumerAdmins" does what you are looking for.
However, in my application I used StructuredEventPushConsumer and had a
new consumer admin for each structured push consumer.  Your application
is most likely different.

I'd be curious to know what ORB you are using and if anyone has a
cleaner solution to this problem.

Good luck!

Janet Tvedt
National Solar Observatory
tvedt at nso.edu 

On Thu, 2006-03-02 at 12:07 -0400, Joe Pimentel wrote:
> Hi,
> In my app, sometimes when I push one single event into the channel my
> listenter receives more than one notifications.
> My application has 3 daemons that receives and post events to the same
> channel. 
> In the begining i was not calling a cleanup method when these process
> goes down and I end up with this same behaviour. 
> Now I use to call the cleanup code on normal exit and usually things
> works fine. 
> But in some cases this behaviour comes again.  My bet is that when
> some daemon aborts the normal execution it leaves some dirty 
> elements active on the notify deamon. 
> Question: It is possible to have a  general cleanup code to execute
> before the daemons comes up ?
> Thanks in advance for any clues ;-)
> -- 
> Joe Bertoli Pimentel
> joe.b.pimentel at gmail.com
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Installation Procedure for omniNotify

To install an upgrade to omniNotify, perform the following

1. Update the source by either a) or b) 

   a) Download tarball from 

      and extract source by:
	cd $CORBAHOME/src/services
	tar -xvf omniNotify<>.tar

   b) Update from CVS (use checkout if omniNotify directory does
      not exist)

           export CVSROOT=":pserver:anonymous at cvs.uk.research.att.com:/cvsroot"
           cvs login
           At the password prompt, enter the password cvs
           cd $CORBAHOME/src/services
           cvs update -r omniNotify1_develop omniNotify

2.  Edit omniNotify/idl/AttNotification.idl

    a.  Add two methods to the StructuredProxyPushSupplier interface:

   interface StructuredProxyPushSupplier : Interactive, CosNotifyChannelAdmin::StructuredProxyPushSupplier {
    CosNotifyComm::StructuredPushConsumer get_connected_consumer() raises (CosNotifyChannelAdmin::NotConnected);
    boolean is_connected();

   b. Add two methods to the StructuredProxyPushConsumer interface:

   interface StructuredProxyPushConsumer : Interactive, CosNotifyChannelAdmin::StructuredProxyPushConsumer {
    CosNotifyComm::StructuredPushSupplier get_connected_supplier() raises (CosNotifyChannelAdmin::NotConnected);
    boolean is_connected();

3.  Edit omniNotify/include/CosNotifyChannelAdmin_i.h

    a. Add the implementation of the two public methods to the StructuredProxyPushSupplier_i
       class declaration:

    class StructuredProxyPushSupplier_i : 
		public virtual RDIProxySupplier, 
		public virtual RDIProxyPushSupplier, 
		WRAPPED_SKELETON_SUPER(AttNotification, StructuredProxyPushSupplier) 



        CosNC::StructuredPushConsumer_ptr get_connected_consumer( WRAPPED_DECLARG_VOID ) {
           return CosNC::StructuredPushConsumer::_duplicate(_consumer);

        CORBA::Boolean is_connected( WRAPPED_DECLARG_VOID ) {
          return RDIProxySupplier::is_connected();




    b. Add the implementation of the two public methods to the StructuredProxyPushConsumer_i
       class declaration:

    class StructuredProxyPushConsumer_i : 
		public virtual RDIProxyConsumer,
		WRAPPED_SKELETON_SUPER(AttNotification, StructuredProxyPushConsumer) 


	CosNC::StructuredPushSupplier_ptr get_connected_supplier( WRAPPED_DECLARG_VOID ) {
	  return CosNC::StructuredPushSupplier::_duplicate(_supplier);

	CORBA::Boolean is_connected( WRAPPED_DECLARG_VOID ) {
	  return RDIProxyConsumer::is_connected();



4. Go to root directory of omniNotify installation and rebuild
   by typing the following:

   gmake veryclean
   gmake export

  In order for the Notification Service GUI to work properly,
the AttNotification interface had to be modified to include the
above methods.  These changes allow the tool to determine the

  - host IP of each Comm.EventReceiver
  - TCP port number of each Comm.EventReceiver
  - connection status of each Comm.EventReceiver
  - connection status of each Comm.EventSupplier
  - server status of each Comm.EventReceiver
  - server status of each Comm.EventSupplier

  The connection status is true if the event channel is
connected to the receiver/supplier.  The server status 
is true if the Java ORB detects that the process that 
created the receiver/supplier is still running.

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